Thursday 3 March 2011

My first romance story ^^

Soomi awoke from her dream to the sound of her alarm ringing. “Just 5 more min@
#utes”, she though to herself as she reached for the snooze button. Unfortunately the alarm was too far away from her and she landed with a thump on the carpeted floor.
-          Owhh! That hurt! – She exclaimed.
She glanced up to see her clock reading the time.
-          Oh my son! It’s 8:15am! I’m late!
She jumped up and ran to the bathroom to get ready for school. She had to look good today, as it was yearbook headshots day. She couldn’t be the only girl not looking her best, especially because of the school announcement that had been made the day before.
Finally, at top speed, Soomi ran out the front door just in time to catch her school bus. Luckily Hani was early and had saved her a seat.
-          Annyeong! Sorry I’m late again. – She said.
-          What’s the reason this time Soomi? – Hani shot her a questioning look.
-          Well, I was having the best dream ever! It had me and T.O.P and we were all alone in Big Bang’s house.  – Soomi giggled as she recalled her heavenly dream.
Suddenly the bus jolted to a halt and Soomi and Hani were distracted from their talk. Everyone on the bus rushed to the windows to see the commotion outside. The sight was outstanding. There was at least 200 fan girls screaming and shouting at the top of their lungs.
-          What’s happening? – Someone said.
-          Who’s out there? There haven’t been any reports. – Said Hani as she furiously checked her LG Optimus.

By the way, these two girls are the ultimate fans of the legendary South Korean band BIG BANG. They would do anything to come any bit close to them and would give their lives to just speak to them, even if just for a minute. Oh Hani loved G-Dragon Kwon JiYong). He had the most amazing voice. He was the leader of BIG BANG and was loved by all fans. He could both sing and rap. But, Soomi loved a different type of guy altogether. She loved T.O.P (Choi Seunghyun).he was the tall, dark and handsome rapper from BIG BANG. His eyes were amazing. They were the warmest chocolate brown colour. They were the type of eyes that you could stare into all day long and still want to keep looking at them. T.O.P was mesmerising. And when he sang/rapped, everyone’s jaws dropped or they began to scream fanatically. Choi Seunghyun was simply amazing.
-          That was an interesting morning. – Hani exclaimed as we sat down to our French class. Our teacher was late again!
-          I know! And their coming here in… - Checks watch – TWO HOURS!!!
-          So this was what that announcement yesterday was all about! My Oppa will be here, my OPPA, in my school. Hani, what if my dream happens and I speak to him. ^. ^ - Suddenly their friend Jeremy arrived.
-          Buonguorno! – He shouted while taking his seat between the two girls.
-          Jeremy – They sighed – that’s not French, no wonder your failing! – They laughed.
-          Mianhe – Jeremy miserably opens his books and just sits there.
-          Jeremy, how is the band? – Soomi asks.
Jeremy said his friends started a band a few months ago, called F.T Island. Jeremy does most of the singing.
-          We are really coming along! J Our first song is being played on the local radio. It’s so exciting!
-          Will you ever become as big as our Oppa’s?! – Hani wondered out loud.
-          Of course not!! – He looked disgusted at the thought – We are going to be even BIGGER! – He laughed out loud at the idea.
-          Be quiet, class has begun. – Ms Sharkey, the French teacher, had just arrived.

*2 Hours Later*

[Over Head Speakers] – Everyone called for headshots please report to Teacher Han in Room 20.
Immediately every girl and guy ran as fast as the wind could carry them to the door.
-          Come on Soomi, we wont get out there, they have already jammed the door! – Hani dragged Soomi off to the big window at the back of the classroom.
-          Climb out, and then you can catch me.
-          No way! What about me? Who will catch me?! I could get hurt! That’s not fair!
-          Please Soomi. We won’t get to see our Oppa’s if you don’t!
-          Yah! Okay! For my OPPA! – Soomi climbed out the window and landed flat on her face.
-          Owhh! All this pain for my Oppa! I hope he is worth it!
-          Who is this Oppa of yours? – A vaguely familiar voice was after speaking.
He began to help Soomi off the ground. He was strong! Soomi began to look up when he ran away. She had to follow him to thank him for the help. Hani shouted after her – Soomi, where are you going? What about you’re Oppa?!

Soomi kept chasing the mysterious guy, till he realised he was being followed.
-          Please stop! I know you’re a fan! Please, leave me be!
-          Wait! I don’t know who you are. I just want to thank you for your help earlier.
-          Oh, you’re the girl that was talking about her Oppa! Yah! Who is this Oppa of yours?
-          Umm… It’s childish, but it’s T.O.P from BIG BANG. – Soomi blushed red. She didn’t know why she had said this to someone she didn’t know. She hadn’t even seen his face yet, just his back.
-          Oh, I better go so…
-          Wait a minute. What is the hurry? – She ran to him and turned him around. Even though she could only see his eyes, she knew who it was.
-          OPPA!!!!!
-          Shush! Keep quiet! I don’t need more girls chasing me. One is enough - He grinned as he said the last part.
-          Ugh, look at me! I’m a mess!
-          Don’t worry, you look pretty nice.
-          Why did I jump in the first place?! How stupid!
-          Isn’t it good that you did jump? If you didn’t you wouldn’t have needed your “Oppa’s” help? – He was laughing.
-          YAH! I thought you were meant to be shy?
-          I am. This is shy. – He grinned.
-          I can’t believe this! Are you real? – She pinched herself. Soomi felt like fainting. This scenario was unreal.
-          Yes I’m real. Stop that! You will hurt yourself!
-          Seunghyun. Can I call you that?
-          Sure. It is my name after all.
-          Can I have an autograph? Please? Pretty please?
-          I can do better than that.
-          You can?
-          Dae!
-          Really? – Soomi didn’t know what to expect.
-          Give me your cell number? If you want I will call you. As you can understand I’m sure, you will know that I can’t give you mine, yet.
-          Aahh… Ummm… Its 0861153885, I think. – He just laughed at her and said – Cute.

Two weeks had passed, and Soomi still couldn’t believe her luck that day. When she told Hani, Hani thought that Soomi had hit her head when she fell out of the window that day. Even though Soomi was happy about the meeting, she was somewhat disappointed that she hadn’t heard from him. For the last two weeks, Soomi hadn’t left her phone from her hand. Just in case Seunghyun might ring her. She also knew that him and Big Bang where gone on tour to Japan. They had just recently released their first Japanese album. It really was brilliant. Soomi, as usual, was keeping track of all the members’ activities. But every other fan was too.
-          This class is so boring. Why did Jeremy have to transfer from art to music? – Hani moaned.
-          I don’t know Hani, maybe he wants to take the F.T Island thing seriously.
He did say that they were going to be bigger than Big Bang.
-          Ugh, him and his ideas! Come on, let’s finish the projects.
-          Dae
Hani and Soomi were seniors in their school. They were preparing their final projects for their college entrance exams. Hani’s was about different cultures and Soomi’s was based on music, of course. As part of their senior year, they had their debs to go too. Oh Hani had the whole night planned out. She had her dress, makeup, etc… all figures out. Even her date. Though she wasn’t 100% sure about the date yet. Soomi wasn’t much of a party girl, so she reluctantly allowed Hani to organise hers too. Even the date.

[Phone Rings]
-          Annyeong! – The voice said.
-          Sorry, who is this? – Soomi didn’t know who it was as the number calling was withheld.
-          Ummm…. I’m sorry for the delay, but this is T.O.P.
-          Really? Hani, are you playing with me again? Is that you Hani? I will kill…
-          Wait, wait, and wait! It is real! I am really calling you…
-          Oh, I thought you had forgotten or were just being nice when you took my number.
-          Look I’m sorry. I’ve been busy.
-          I know. You were in Japan for the last month and a half.
-          You follow my work?
-          Well I wouldn’t call that work. – Soomi laughed.
-          What would you know …..? Umm, excuse me but I never got your name?
-          Oh, call me Soomi.
-          Pretty name, Soomi. Just as pretty as your face.
-          Seunghyun! You can’t say that!
-          Why not?
-          This is only the second time we have ever spoken.
-          Okay so will I hang up?
-          NO!! Wait! You just can’t hang up because of that!
-          Yes I can!
-          Tell me this. Why did you ring me? – Soomi was considering very possible answer to fit this question, but none seemed to fit.
-          I …. Was wondering if …. You would …. [phone line crackles]
-          Sorry what was that?
-          Soomi! Will you meet up with me? Tomorrow? 7pm? At your school? – Seunghyun was so nervous, he was shaking.
His fingers were crossed as he waited for an answer. He presumed it would be a yes, as she did call him her “Oppa” when he first met her.
-          Soomi, you there? – asked T.O.P
What Seunghyun didn’t know was that Soomi had fainted and was now passed out on the floor since he asked her about meeting up with him.

*7PM the Next Day*

-          Will she come?
-          I don’t know. Why do you ask me? You’re the one who likes her, not me. Bloody hell, I have never seen her. – Kwon JiYong was protesting to having to be there and having to listen to Seunghyun’s impossible problems.
-          Seunghyun, I preferred when you didn’t like girls! – JiYong (G-Dragon) laughed uncontrollably.
-          Yah! I hear something – Seunghyun grabbed JiYong and put his hand over his mouth. JiYong was so startled that he bit back.
-          Owhh… JiYong, how could you? – Seunghyun whimpered.
-          What happened? – The two guys turned around to see a beautiful petite girl, wearing her favourite dress. It was black and red and her heels were 4 inches high.
-          Hyung, is this her? – JiYong was in disbelief.
-          Dae. – Seunghyun nodded. – isn’t she pretty? – He whispered to JiYong.
-          Ah-Ummm? No whispering please! And this better be good because I’m messing my debs for this! – Soomi told them. – And sorry about that phone call, I didn’t mean too faint. – She giggled.
-          She fainted over you?! – JiYong was shocked.
-          She was a fan after all. – Seunghyun smiled – My number one fan, I think.
-          Aahh… why do you say “was a fan”? I still am! – Soomi stamped her foot. Seunghyun blushed a ruby colour. JiYong was laughing.
-          JiYong, leave! – Seunghyun shouted. Soomi stepped back.
-          Don’t worry. I just use that voice on JiYong. It annoys him. – Seunghyun explained to Soomi.
-          I can’t leave, we haven’t performed yet! – He pouted as he sat cross-legged on the ground. He looked so childish to Soomi in that moment. She took her phone out to picture this moment for Hani. [Camera shutter sound] JiYong opened his eyes.
-          Yah! Don’t do that!
-          Soomi, please delete it. I need to sort out something before you can do that. – Seunghyun said.
-          Okay… so this performance? Is this why I’m here? – Soomi questioned.
-          Yes, but swear not to laugh at your Oppa! – Seunghyun was all shy again.
-          Dae! I promise. – Soomi was so excited.

Just as they were about to start, Jeremy arrived.
-          SOOMI! ^_^
-          Jeremy? Why are you here? – Soomi asked. She was worried about Seunghyun and JiYong, but mainly Seunghyun.
-          Your mom said that you were here, when I called to your house.
-          Why didn’t you ring me and let me know you were calling over? I could’ve made sure I was home?!
-          You had plans I thought.
-          Never mind that… why did you call?
-          I wanted to give you your birthday present before tomorrow.
-          Awwh… Jeremy! Come here – Soomi grabbed him and hugged him so tightly, till she remembered the two guys were behind the bush listening.
-          YAH! You never said it was your birthday, Soomi! – Seunghyun jumped out from behind the bush.
-          Aigoo! It’s not till tomorrow… it’s no big deal. – Soomi murmured.
-          Soomi! You’re going to be 18. It is big! – Jeremy announced – and who is he? – Jeremy eyed him up and down, except his face as he had his hood up.
-          I’m her… ah… friend… umm… boyfriend – Seunghyun turned away.
-          No your not! Soomi doesn’t like you. She likes that guy T.O.P or something like that. Isn’t that right Soomi?
-          Jeremy, please leave it! – Soomi begged.
-          Tel him who you’re Oppa is! – Jeremy poked Soomi.
-          I know already, Jeremy, because I am her Oppa and her boyfriend. Whether you like it or not. – Seunghyun turned back towards them and pulled his hood down. He was smiling. His teeth al showing. His smile was so big and bright.

By now it was 9.30pm and beginning to get cold. Soomi was only wearing her dress and began to shiver. Jeremy had left around 9pm and it was just Soomi and Seunghyun. JiYong disappeared somewhere and never said goodbye. Seunghyun placed his brown leather jacket over Soomi’s shoulders and hugged her. It felt nice but Soomi had never had this experience before.
-          Ahjussi?
-          Dae
-          I’m your girlfriend?
-          Only if you want.
-          You’re serious?
-          Dae
-          Prove it
Seunghyun looked at Soomi and in one swift movement he had locked his lips with hers. He did let go until she kissed him back. It didn’t take long for Soomi to kiss him back as she had fantasized about this moment for the last two years. There were sparks and Soomi felt her knees buckle. Seunghyun caught, for a second time, in his arms. He broke the kiss to see if she was okay, but found that she had passed out. He didn’t know that had been Soomi’s first kiss, but it had also been his first too.

As it was a Friday night, Seunghyun rang his good friend Kim Hyun Joong to come and collect him. As they rode in the Audi, Seunghyun told Hyun Joong the events of the night. They decided that Soomi, who was laid across the back seat of the car, should stay at Big Bang’s house that night. This was Seunghyun could explain to her what had happened. They reached the house, and Hyun Joong carried Soomi into the house as Seunghyun made sure the coast was clear. He didn’t need some paparazzi getting a shot of Soomi being snuck into the house. Once inside they went straight to his room. Luckily Seunghyun had a big bed so they put Soomi in between the sheets and blankets. Kim Hyun Joong said his goodbyes and left. Now Seunghyun felt uncomfortable. He was alone with a girl in his bed. What if someone came in during the night? Seunghyun just locked the bedroom door and hoped for the best. He got into the other side of the bed and whispered into Soomi’s ear – goodnight, my beautiful girlfriend.

The next day Seunghyun was woken up to the sound of someone coughing. He opened his eyes to see Soomi. She was coughing from the night before.
-          Morning!
-          Huh? – Soomi hadn’t opened her eyes before then, - Where am I? – She looked around and saw Seunghyun in the bed beside her.
-          Aahh! No! What happened? – She fretted about thinking the worst had happened.
-          Don’t worry. You fainted and I brought you home. – Seunghyun explained.
-          My mom will be worried. I must call her. – She searched for her phone. Seunghyun handed it to her.
-          She knows. I text her from your phone last night saying that you were staying at a friend house.
-          Thank you, Oppa! – She giggled. She then remembered the night before.
-          YOU KISSED ME?! – She whispered in disbelief.
-          Ummm… yah… I’m sorry, I should have asked.
-          My first kiss was with Oppa! My OPPA! – Soomi jumped around like a giddy school girl. Well she was actually.
-          Yes I am yours. Your boyfriend. – Seunghyun jumped around the room with her, till they were interrupted by a buzzer.
-          What’s that? – Soomi asked.
-          My door bell – Laughed Seunghyun
-          Seunghyun, open the door! Tell me about this pretty girl from last night. JiYong told us! Tell me. – A voice squealed through the door.
-          Soomi. That’s Seungri. I have to let him in. is that okay? – Seunghyun asked her.

Seunghyun opened the doors lock and in came Seungri, who was followed by JiYong and Daesung and Taeyang. Soomi had hid under the bed.
-          What do you want? – Seunghyun asked.
-          We want to know everything! – The 4 guys chimed.
-          I’m not in the mood to talk now. – Seunghyun turned to walk away.
-          Seunghyun! Didn’t you get your kiss? – JiYong asked.
-          There was a kiss? – The other 3 asked.
-          Go away! – Seunghyun ordered.
-          Aigoo! Seunghyun, its okay to not have kissed a girl yet. – JiYong said as he jumped on the bed.
-          Hey, watch out! – Soomi squeaked from under the bed.
-          Shoot! – Said Seunghyun, as he pulled Soomi out. – You okay? – He asked.
-          Dae. I’m fine.
-          Seunghyun!? She is here! You did get your kiss! Did you get more?! – Taeyang asked.
-          YAH! What do you think we are? – Seunghyun answered.
-          So you are a “we”? – Daesung jeered.
-          Dae! He is my Oppa! – Soomi giggled.
-          Dae! I’m her Oppa! – Seunghyun had to hold Soomi up.
-          Awwh! Big Boy has finally grown up! – The four guys laughed as Seunghyun pushed them out his bedroom door.
-          Soomi, can you lock it please?
-          Sure.

*3 Weeks Later*

-          C’mon Hani! I can’t be late.
-          It’s only like your 50th date with him! This is my first! – Hani squealed.
Hani and Kwon JiYong were going on their first date with Soomi and Seunghyun. It was Seunghyun’s idea J and it was brilliant of course. The ever so romantic duo, Seunghyun and JiYong had spent a lot of time planning this romantic evening. They hadn’t mentioned anything to the girls, but it would be a night not to forget. Soomi urged Hani on. They had managed to leave the house, but Hani was chickening out.
-          Are you going to leave JiYong waiting for you?!
-          I thought you wanted this!!
-          I do! Bu im nervous.
-          Aahh! C’mon. We will be late. Oppa said to be on time today.
-          Fine…
Soomi began to run, leaving Hani no choice but to run after her. Though Hani was naturally faster, Soomi got to the meeting place first. She wanted to see her Seunghyun so much. She hadn’t seen him in two weeks as he had been away with Big Bang.
-          Finally, their here! I thought you were a no show Hani. – JiYong blushed red as he realised he had just said that aloud.
-          I… Ummm… - Hani stuttered, while Seunghyun walked to Soomi and kissed her on the forehead.
-          C’mon, we have to go now, and don’t ask where because it’s a surprise. – Seunghyun teased.

As began to walk when it started to quite heavily. The girls were getting soaked wet when Seunghyun and JiYong picked them up in their arms. JiYong and Seunghyun began to run as fast as they could. And they could run fast. Soomi had her hands clasped together around Seunghyun’s neck and Hani was uncontrollably laughing at the situation.
-          YAH! Why are you laughing? Are you laughing at me? – JiYong asked.
-          No. it’s just… that this is an interesting first date. And I never knew you were strong JiYong. You don’t look it when you’re on TV. – Hani smirked.
-          Watch it, Girlie. – JiYong laughed this time – I could drop you since I don’t look strong.
-          Hej, you guys! Where are you going? – Soomi called out. She and Seunghyun had stopped outside an empty looking apartment building.
-          Huh?! – They both sighed as they came back to the others.
Seunghyun unlocked the big oak door. It slightly creaked has it opened into a dark room. There was a noise in the distance. So people must live here, Soomi thought.
-          Seunghyun? You can let me down now. We are here, aren’t we? – Soomi asked.
-          Oh okay. – Both Seunghyun and JiYong dropped the girls onto their feet and proceeded to walk up the stairs that were on the left of the room. As the four of them climbed the stairs, the music grew louder and louder till they were outside a door. The door had,”PRIVATE – VIP ONLY”. Oh Hani looked at Soomi with a shocked look.
-          What is this? – The girls asked, but they received no answer.
They entered the room and their eyes widened at the sight of the rest if Big Bang among party decorations.
-          Seunghyun?
-          Soomi, since I had to leave for Japan on your birthday, plus the fact that I never knew, we are going to celebrate it tonight. – Soomi hugged him so tightly that he could hardly breathe.
As Daesung and the others said hello to Soomi, JiYong and Hani quietly slipped out of the room.
-          Where are we going? – Hani asked.
-          I have another place that I want to go. Let’s leave Seunghyun and Soomi alone and we can have some fun.

JiYong caught Hani’s hand and headed up another flight of stairs.
-          JiYong, slow down. Why do we have to go so fast?
-          Because the faster we get there the more time I have with you, before someone comes to find us.
-          Okay so, let’s go! – Shouted Hani as she ran ahead of JiYong laughing.
-          YAH! You don’t know where we’re going!
-          I know that! So come and catch me before I go too far ahead. – Hani stuck out her tongue at JiYong, turned and ran up the stairs with JiYong in pursuit.
JiYong could easily catch her if he wanted to be he didn’t. He wanted to have some fun with this girl that he had recently fallen for. He couldn’t believe his luck when Soomi introduced her to him. He had fallen for her the moment he saw her. She was so ordinary compared to him and he loved every minute he had with her.

Suddenly JiYong ran as fast as he could and caught Hani up into his arms for the second time that day.
-          We are here now.
-          But this is the emergency exit door to the roof?! – Hani raised an eyebrow at JiYong.
-          Hani this isn’t the emergency exit door to the roof. The door just says that so people won’t come up here. Just come on and see for yourself what is in there.
-          Okay so. Lead the way JiYong.
JiYong opened the door into a roof top garden. There were so many colours in the small area. Hani wondered how it wasn’t all wet due to the rain, but Soomi realised there was a clear glass roof overhead them. Hani was amazed that such a place existed.
-          What do you think Hani? Do you like it?
-          JiYong!
-          It’s beautiful. Did you do this?
-          Dae. Just before I debuted with Big Bang. The others don’t know about it though. Can you keep it a secret? Just between you and me? If you do it will then become our place, for just you and me.
-          JiYong, what are you saying?
-          Hani… Will you be my girlfriend? I know that this is our first date, but will you? – JiYong was all meek and shy.
Hani knew that she didn’t have to think about her answer. That answer was definitely a yes! Hani decided that she wouldn’t tell him, but show him her answer. She slowly walked over to him, stood on her tippy toes and kissed him. The suddenness of her actions startled JiYong. It was their first kiss. Though JiYong had been with many girls from all over the world, he knew that Oh Hani was special. He hugged her tight and broke the kiss so that they could breathe.
-          Kekekekeke…. – They giggled.
What they had just realised was that their phones were ringing. It was Soomi and Seunghyun. They wanted to where they had got to.
-          We better go back to the party, Hani, my girlfriend. – JiYong grinned widely.
-          I’m coming, Oppa! – She shouted as she ran after him.

The party was over and Seunghyun was walking Soomi home. JiYong and Hani had left early after they returned to the party. Hani said that she was tired, but everyone knew that couldn’t be true. They thought she just wanted to be alone with JiYong.
-          Hani and JiYong are cute together. Don’t you think so? – Soomi asked as Seunghyun out his arm around her.
-          Dae… but not as cute as us! – Seunghyun looked at Soomi.
-          Of course not. No one can beat your cuteness Oppa. – She looked back at him giggling.
-          Ummm… Soomi?
-          Dae?
-          Soomi… My manager wants ‘us’ to go public.
Soomi and Seunghyun had been together for three weeks now. Nobody really knew about Seunghyun except Soomi’s family and Hani. It was Seunghyun’s idea to not make Soomi public knowledge.
-          Pub… public? – Soomi stuttered.
-          I was told to either go public with you or find myself a celebrity girlfriend. – Seunghyun looked upset.
-          YAH!! There will be no celebrity girlfriend. Is that clear Seunghyun?!!
-          So what will we do? – He looked worried.
-          Oppa and I are just going to have to go public. – Soomi smiled.
She had never really minded the idea because she would be the one with Seunghyun. Not anyone else.
-          Are you sure? Because we never really discussed it. You might not be left alone if we do!
-          OPPA! You manage to get alone to be with me. I think I can manage. Where do I go anyway apart from school, home and with you? I’ll be fine. – Soomi reassured Seunghyun.
-          Ah, Soomi. You know I love you. – Seunghyun hugged her and they continued walking till they reached Soomi’s house.
-          Goodnight Seunghyun. – Soomi waved.
She was so tired from the exciting day that Seunghyun had prepared.
-          Goodnight. – Seunghyun gave her a peck on the cheek and left.

*Next Day at School*

Soomi was sitting alone in her music class. Jeremy wasn’t talking to her properly since he knew about Seunghyun. Soomi didn’t know why though. Hani had said that it was because he liked her but Soomi didn’t want to believe that. And Hani wasn’t in this morning. Soomi tried ringing her but only got her voicemail. She left messages but got no reply.
-          She would have to not come in the day I want to know what happened. – Soomi had started talking to herself and people were looking at her.
-          Oops – She murmured.
[I know, I’ll ring JiYong. He has to tell me] - She thought.

*JiYong’s Bedroom in The BIG HOUSE*

[JiYong’s Phone Rings]
-          Aahh... who is ringing at this time? – JiYong yawned as he sat up and stretched his arms.
He reached for his phone. T.O.P’s Girl, showed up on the caller ID.
-          Ooh! Why is she calling me?
JiYong picks up the phone.
-          Hej Soomi.
-          Hej… Where’s Hani?
-          Why are you asking me?
-          Okay, look. I know that you must be her boyfriend by now. Even though neither of you said anything. So tell me, is she with you? – Soomi was being impatient.
-          Ummm… I dropped her home yesterday evening after the party. She said she was tired. – JiYong was getting worried.
[Damn, she was telling the truth then], Soomi thought to herself.
-          Well she never came to school this morning.
-          You want me to check if she is okay so? – JiYong asked.
-          Dae! Do! I have to go, I have class. – Soomi slammed her phone shut just in the nick of time as the teacher walked into the classroom.

JiYong was the only member in the house when he got up.
-          Where is everyone? – He wondered aloud.
He looked at the events planner BIG BANG had hanging off their fridge. He saw that they were all at a signing in the centre of Seoul.
[Why didn’t they wake me?], thought JiYong.
-          Okay JiYong… we have to find your girlfriend before Soomi kills you. – He was talking to himself again. Anyone who didn’t know him would think that he was crazy.
He tried ringing Hani. There was no answer.
-          [voicemail] Hani, your not answering my call. Some girlfriend you are. Where are you? Soomi is worried. Uh… and I am too. Hani, ring me back. – JiYong had left a voicemail hoping to hear back form her sooner rather than later.

JiYong decided that he would risk taking the bus to find Hani, since there was no one to drive him there. JiYong put on a disguise and left for the bus stop. He wasn’t sure exactly where Hani lived as he had only been there once, and that was the night before. After an eventful trip on the bus, where people accused him as a G-Dragon Impersonator, JiYong got of the bus right beside Hani’s house. He had remembered Hani mentioning a bus stop near her once. JiYong ran to the door of the house and began knocking on t like a crazy person. A woman opened the door.
-          Ahjussi, who are you? What’s with all this noise? – She said.
-          I’m sorry about that, but does Oh Hani live here? I’m her so-called boyfriend. – JiYong whispered the last bit.
-          Oh, is that so… I’m sorry, but didn’t she tell you? She isn’t here. She’s visiting family in Ireland.
-          IRELAND? JiYong was gobsmacked. How could this have happened?
-          Dae. She will be gone for a month, maybe more. I don’t know till she decides.
-          Thank you, Oh Hani’s mother. – JiYong slowly walked away.
His heartfelt like a hundred horses had trod on it. He didn’t even know where such a place was. Ireland? Where is it?, He wondered.

JiYong was waiting and the end of Soomi’s and Hani’s school stairs. He had to talk to Soomi. How come she didn’t know about Ireland? JiYong had text Soomi saying, “Meet me at the school stairs @ the end of school”, yet there was no sign of her yet. Suddenly there was a tapping noise behind him.
-          Where is she? What’s going on? – It was Soomi, with her loud and piercing voice.
-          YAH! Not here, are you crazy? – JiYong tried to smile.
They walked outside to see a black Audi waiting outside the school gates.
-          C’mon. It’s Oppa. He’s collecting me. – Soomi took off running and jumped into the car.
Since Seunghyun had made the public announcement earlier that day, he was able to collect her.
-          Hej. Seunghyun?
-          Annyeonghaseyo, what?
-          Can JiYong come too?
-          JiYong? Dae, dae.
-          Come here JiYong. – Soomi beckoned him and he came and jumped into the back of the car.
-          So where is Hani? – Soomi was in the passenger seat and half turned around looking at JiYong. She saw that his eyes were sad.
-          JiYong? Where is she? – Soomi repeated slowly.
-          She… is… - He spoke even slower than Soomi had.
-          Where? She is where?
-          Soomi, give him a chance. – Seunghyun calmed his girlfriend down.
-          She is in Ireland visiting family for the next month, maybe more. Her mom said that Hani hasn’t decided yet. – Once JiYong had begun speaking he just couldn’t stop. It was all a jumble of words that came out.
-          What? Stop joking. – Soomi poked JiYong.
-          I’m not joking… I’m being serious! – JiYong looked so depressed; it was like the world had ended.
-          Oh, JiYong. I’m sorry. She never even mentioned anything to me. I had totally forgotten all about her family in Ireland. – Soomi was now sitting in the back of the car and was practically sitting on JiYong’s lap.
Seunghyun had stopped the car and was looking at JiYong and Soomi. He thought for a split second that the two of them looked like a cute couple, but he banished the thought and began to tune back into the conversation again.
-          … Soomi…. How could she leave? How could she leave me? We just started dating! – JiYong sobbed. The tears were running down his face.

*2 Months Later*

It was the night of Big Bang’s last concert on their tour and the guys were hanging out quietly behind the stage. To them that day meant a break from touring, but to JiYong it meant much more. It had been two months since Hani had left and he had received one letter from her. Since JiYong had received that letter he knew exactly where Hani was and how she had been. He had been planning to see her as soon as possible. He had many ideas on how to achieve this. Ideas like spontaneously jumping on a plane and forgetting all about Big Bang’s schedule or even having a concert in Ireland. JiYong liked this idea the most and had decided to ask the other members their thoughts about it.

-          Annyeonghaseyo!!! – JiYong shouted as he entered the room where the others were. – Yah, turn the music off would you? Please?!
-          Oh hi JiYong. – Seunghyun said as he turned down the stereo.
-          What’s up? You’ve been very quiet for some time now! – Daesung had a worried expression.
-          Umm… well guys I was wondering about what I would do during our break. – JiYong nervously continued, - I thought maybe you guys don’t have any plans? Do you?
-          I’m just going to spend as much time with Soomi as she has had to wait a while to see me. – Seunghyun explained, but this affect JiYong’s plans as Soomi would want to see Hani too.
-          You guy, what are your plans? – Jiyong directed his question towards Seungri, Daesung and Taeyang.
-          Absolutely nothing – The three of them said in unison.
-          Why are you asking JiYong? – Seungri questioned JiYong.
-          Umm… you guys… I was thinking about going to Ireland to see Hani… but I can’t go on my own. – JiYong looked down at the floor. – I can’t go there unless we have a concert there. – JiYong looked at the guys with his saddest puppy dog eyes.
-          Aisshh! JiYong… what will Soomi think? – Seunghyun stated.
The other three guys were in a secret huddle discussing the matter. 5 minutes later they dispersed.
-          Okay JiYong! We will go to Ireland for one concert. – Taeyang announced.
-          Hold on! Wait a minute! – Seunghyun held up his hand – is there even going to be an audience for us over there?
-          Yes there is! As if you don’t know that! You have seen the many fan requests on your fan page. – JiYong laughed at Seunghyun’s reaction.
It was such a cute embarrassed look that came across his face.
-          Well… if you say I have fans there then I must go… and Soomi too!
-          Umm… Seunghyun… Soomi already knows about my plans.
-          What?! – Seunghyun nearly choked on the bagel that he was eating, - I suppose I should have known that you two would have been in cahoots together. – Seunghyun laughed as he poked JiYong.
-          We are going to Ireland so? – Seungri asked
-          Dae! In two weeks, is that okay?
-          YAH! That means I have to start packing now! – Taeyang looked flustered as he ran away to his own place away from the others.

Taeyang walked away and began to think to himself. He was so jealous of his Hyung’s. Seunghyun and Soomi, and JiYong and Hani. Taeyang kept thinking about this problem. There was only one girl that he liked, but she was in America. Taeyang met Miina when he was five years old. They had been neighbours for 10 years till her parents moved her to an English school in California, America. Even though she used to come home every holiday and midterm, Taeyang still missed her a lot. Mina never knew this as Taeyang was only 15 when she left. He had never got the chance to tell her his feelings.

-          Taeyang?! You okay?
Taeyang turned around to see Seunghyun.
-          Ummm… dae, I’m fine. – Taeyang was looking at the ground and shuffling his feet.
-          What’s wrong? Is it about Ireland?
-          No. it’s nothing like that.
-          Then it’s to do with a girl?
-          Aisshh! Leave me alone.
-          Don’t be like that… I know all about her. You talk in your sleep and you keep mentioning her name… so I went to your home place and found out about her.
-          Seunghyun… why did you do this? It’s none of your business.
-          I’m like you brother, and I was worried about you.
-          Ooh!
-          Go to America after Ireland. You really need to!
-          I’ll think about it…

*2 Weeks Later*

-          I can’t believe we are going in two hours! – Soomi could barely contain her excitement as Seunghyun put her suitcases into the back of the black BMW.
-          Soomi… Tell me how you have to bring so much luggage? Ever hear of travelling light?!
-          Seunghyun, I have to look good for you, don’t I?!
-          But you don’t need all this stuff! – Seunghyun was laughing at Soomi’s face.
-          Even I don’t use all this stuff when I’m doing a photo shoot! – Seunghyun was still laughing but managed to give Soomi a quick kiss.
-          Come on, we better go or JiYong will kill me. – Seunghyun was still laughing only the way Soomi could make him laugh.

*I Hour Later*

Seunghyun and Soomi had just arrived at the airport. They were greeted by JiYong and his many bags and suitcases.
-          Look Seunghyun!!! JiYong has more bags than me!!! – Soomi smugly looked at Seunghyun.
-          Fine… I’m sorry Soomi… c’mon lets go in. – Seunghyun ran ahead of JiYong, pulling Soomi with him.
What Soomi didn’t know was that Seunghyun had a surprise for her. Seunghyun had been Soomi’s boyfriend for nearly 9 months now. Since Seunghyun’s closest friends and family had met her, they had been putting the idea of marriage in his head. He already had thought about it before they made the idea even bigger in his head. Seunghyun was going to propose to his girlfriend and the love of his life, Soomi. Well that was what he had planned.

-          Come on! Stop day dreaming Seunghyun! – JiYong and the other members of the band were already checked in and waiting to go.
-          Uh! Okay, one second. – Seunghyun checked in and ran to join the others. When he reached them he noticed that there was a ginger guy dressed in green talking to them.
-          Where’s JiYong? – Seunghyun asked while searching the room. Soomi burst out laughing as the green man turned around and jumped on Seunghyun’s back.
-          Yah! What’s this?
-          Seunghyun it’s me! JiYong! – JiYong was uncontrollably laughing at the expression on Seunghyun’s face.
-          JiYong, why are you dressed in green? And what is with the wig?
-          I’m a leprechaun!! I’m becoming Irish for this trip! – JiYong was still laughing – I think Hani might like this surprise!

[Passengers to Ireland, Plane Is Leaving In 5 Minutes]

-          We better hurry! – JiYong leapt into the air.
-          Here we come Ireland! – Seungri shouted, as they boarded the plane.

*13 Hours Later*

The plane landed in Shannon airport. Soomi was the only one awake when the plane stopped moving.
-          I don’t know how these guys can sleep through this. – Soomi was talking to herself.
-          YAH!! You guys! WAKE UP!!! – Soomi was shouting and poking the five guys.
-          Aisshh! Soomi, be nice to your boyfriend. Please! – Seunghyun looked at her with his sleepy and tired looking eyes.
-          YAH! We’re here! We are in Ireland! Come on we have to get going. – JiYong was suddenly wide awake and running off the plane.
The rest of the group left the plane and stepped into the pouring rain.
-          Ugh! It’s raining. – Taeyang was complaining while trying to cover his hair with his book.
-          Did you not Google this place? – JiYong laughed – It always rains here.
-          JiYong since you know so much about Ireland, can you speak some Irish?! – Daesung was teasing JiYong.
-          Yah I don’t have time for this nonsense. – JiYong ran off out the door of the airport.
-          Soomi, where are we? What’s the name of this place?
-          Seunghyun this is Shannon. It’s the closest airport to where Hani is. And that’s where we are going. To see Hani. – Soomi had a little pocket dictionary in her hand.
She was practising her English because Hani could speak fluent English.
-          Hello… My name is Soomi… - Soomi turned to Seunghyun – I love you! – She said it in English and he didn’t know what she was saying.
-          Yah! Speak normally. I don’t understand. – Seunghyun looked embarrassed.
-          Awwh, my cute boyfriend is going red. – Soomi giggled as she reached up to give him a peck on the cheek.
Seunghyun had different ideas. He quickly moved his head so that Soomi’s lips met his. Seunghyun loved Soomi so much and she could feel it through the deep passionate and heartfelt kiss that they were sharing. They stood there, unaware of their surroundings for what seemed like an hour, kissing and in a hugging embrace. Then they heard a click. Soomi opened her eyes and broke the kiss when she saw JiYong standing there pointing a camera at them.
-          Yah! What are you doing? – Soomi was running at JiYong.
-          I’m just recording your special moment. Since this is your very first trip away together! – JiYong had his hands raised in surrender.
-          Kekekekeke… - Seunghyun was laughing at the two of them – now you’re going red Soomi.
-          Let’s just go! Now! – Soomi was putting her foot down.
Inside she was thinking, “How can they laugh at such a thing?!”. She thought it was unfair.

Since Big Bang and Soomi lived in the city in Seoul, they were completely new to the rural countryside. They were now in the middle of the open Irish countryside, where it was full of cows. Soomi had never seen a cow before and was quite scared of them. The guys and Soomi had just gotten off a bus and were now standing in the middle of a small road near a village. All they could hear and see were cows.
-          Aahh, it’s like a movie! There are cows! – JiYong was like a five year old jumping around with excitement.
-          Soomi, take my picture. I want a picture with a cow! – JiYong pointed to the biggest “cow” in the field behind them.
Then JiYong jumped over the fence and headed straight for the “cow”. JiYong didn’t plan on what happened next. The “cow” JiYong was heading towards turned and ran back at him. Because JiYong didn’t know that it wasn’t a “cow” but in fact a bull, he didn’t know what to do.
-          Yah! Get out of the field. Who do you think you are?! – A very familiar voice was shouting something in English at him. JiYong was looking around for the voice.
-          Hani…?
-          Run, NOW!
JiYong ran as fast as he could and just managed to climb over the fence before he was about to be flattened into the ground.
-          BABO!!!! Ugh what a stupid guy! What was the idea? This isn’t your filed and… - JiYong turned around slowly as Hani hit him.
-          JiYong? What? You’re here? Why? – Hani had just seen JiYong’s face for the first time.
-          Yah! Is this the way to greet your boyfriend?! I came all the way here to see you and what do you do? You hit me! You should be nice to me.
Hani was in tears. JiYong wrapped his arms around her and hugged her till her tears subsided.
-          I thought you had a concert in Dublin. Why are you here? – Hani was confused.
Suddenly Soomi and the others jumped out from behind the hedge.
-          The concert was just a reason to come here. – Soomi jumped on top of Hani.
-          JiYong go away. You had your time with her. – Soomi was dragging Hani with her away from the guys.
-          Seunghyun!! Control your girlfriend! – JiYong was whining.
-          You know that can’t be done. I don’t know how! – Seunghyun was laughing and was so happy to see JiYong and Soomi happy again.
-          Ah Hani… can we go somewhere else? I’m cold. – Seungri was shivering as he was only wearing a t-shirt and it was in the month of December.
-          Dae! Of course. - Hani led the way down the road into a little village.
As they walked down the street everybody waved and said “hello” to Hani.
-          I have to get some stuff. Wait here. – Hani entered a small and quaint little shop. It was full of all kinds of different foods that Big Bang had never seen before. Hani returned laden down with messages.
-          What are those? – JiYong’s eyes were wide with curiosity.
-          Wait and see JiYong. It’s a surprise.
-          Aigoo… where are we going? – JiYong was following Hani like a dog follows his master. Hani stopped beside a jeep and took out her keys.
-          You… you can drive? – Soomi looked at her best friend in disbelief.
-          Dae. My uncle taught me when I first came here. Come on and get in already. I have work to do.
-          Yah! You work too? Soomi, we have to get her home to Seoul quickly! I’m losing her!
-          JiYong stop being so dramatic. – Hani turned to hit JiYong.
-          Eyes on the road Hani, PLEASE! – Seunghyun was gripping Soomi’s hand in fear.
-          Fine. Fine. – Hani kept her eyes glued to the road.
-          We’re here. – Hani announced as they stopped outside a small country style cottage type house.
All the guys and Soomi were shocked at the vast change in Hani’s life.
-          I’m staying here with my cousins, Tobi and Miiko. – Hani had begun to walk to the front door.
-          Yah, you guys. Come on, I want to show you to my family. – She was smiling so much. She opened the door and called for her two cousins.
Suddenly Miiko appeared behind Seunghyun.
-          HANI! Why didn’t you say that T.O.P was going to be coming here? I’m not dressed right!!! – Miiko was turning red. – AHHHHH! He really is soooo hot in real life!! – Miiko screamed as she couldn’t take her eyes from Seunghyun.
-          Ummm… hi – Soomi stuck out her hand, - I’m Soomi, Seunghyun’s GIRLFRIEND.
-          Ugh… Nice to meet you… - Miiko was still staring with wide eyes at Seunghyun.
-          Annyeonghaseyo! I’m…
-          Your Kwon JiYong or G-Dragon. I know all about Big Bang.
-          Even here in Ireland you know about us?! – Taeyang had come to the front.
Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri were all staring at Miiko. Miiko was half Korean and half Irish. Her mother was Korean and met her father when on holidays in Ireland. They fell in love and Miiko’s mom moved to Ireland. Miiko did look Korean but she had blonde hair and blue eyes and had an Irish look about her. The three guys thought that she was beautiful.
-          Guys… put your eyes back in. lets go eat. You must be hungry. – Hani had to pry Miiko away from Seunghyun.
-          Soomi… help me cook? – Hani asked her friend.

*30 Minutes Later*

Hani and Soomi entered the dining room to see everyone, except Seunghyun and Miiko, sitting at the table. JiYong was trying to read a book, but was finding it hard.
-          Wow! English is hard! – JiYong laughed as he put the book back in its place.
-          JiYong-Oppa! That’s not English Babo. – Everyone was laughing at him.
-          Let’s just eat. – JiYong was blushing.

After their meal, Soomi and Hani went for a walk.
-          Hani… I don’t think I should leave Seunghyun alone.
-          He’s not alone. He’s with Miiko.
-          That’s why I don’t want to leave him.
-          Don’t worry. Miiko doesn’t like him. He is just a celebrity to her. Nothing will happen. Trust me?
-          But… she completely ignored the four other celebrities that are there too!
-          Soomi. Trust me I said.
-          Dae. Ill trusts you. Anyway why did you leave?
Hani stopped walking.
-          It was my father’s decision. He didn’t want me getting close to JiYong.
-          What?! That’s crazy!
-          Dae. Don’t worry thought. I’m coming back to Seoul in a month.
-          You are?! – Soomi was trying to hold back the tears.
-          Yup. Father said I’m away long enough and since JiYong is here I might as well go home.
Hani and Soomi were hugging each other till JiYong appeared.
-          Soomi… Seunghyun is getting mauled by Miiko. – JiYong smirked.
-          What? She… better… leave… him… alone… - She was storming off.
-          He really isn’t though. – JiYong burst out laughing. – I needed to get her to leave you.
-          Kwon JiYong! – Hani looked at him seriously but couldn’t keep it up. She just had to laugh at him, her boyfriend.
-          You’re coming back in a month?
-          Were you listening to mine and Soomi’s conversation?
-          Of course! I needed to know… you still like me, dae? – JiYong looked at his feet.
-          Dae! Of course I do! You are the whole reason I’m here in the first place!! – Hani punched JiYong on the shoulder making him winch.
-          Then prove it. And stop hurting me.
Without a seconds thought Hani reached up and met his lips with hers.
At that moment JiYong knew that Hani loved him. Their embrace lasted for seemed like forever. This was their first kiss in months. Then out of nowhere, the heavens opened and JiYong and Hani were soaking wet.

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